Leading with this group of questions out the shoot may very well DQ you for any openings. Most should be saved for later. Some can be raised–very carefully–early on in the interview process.
- How much does this job pay? If you are really worried that the job isn’t in line with your current compensation, say that. But leading with ‘how much’ sounds too much like negotiations at a flea market. Don’t de-value yourself.
- Can I work at home? Remember when working at home was a privileged, not a right? Yeah, pretty much still is. And related,
- Can I work flex hours? Flextime is generally acceptable but I wouldn’t lead with it. Professional jobs require you to be there when you need to be including periodic early or late meetings. You might say, this could work but it’s a long commute, could there be some flexibility in hours most days?
- Who’s this reporting to? Makes me wonder if there’s a list of people you can’t work for. Ask the title of the person then wait, all will be revealed.
- What’s the company strategy? First, do your homework and show that you know quite a bit about the company. Then sign an NDA before you probe too deeply. It’s a legitimate question but not one that you lead with.