Nov 15, 2012 | Post by: Vikki Pachera Comments Off on Getting Ahead of Yourself in the Interview

Getting Ahead of Yourself in the Interview

I know. You are super interested in the job and every day is like dating, waiting for the phone to ring, checking for voicemails every hour, refreshing your email inbox.

And yet, no word.

There’s a huge temptation to try to make something happen, isn’t that what overachievers do?

You might be tempted to put pressure on the team by leveraging another job offer. You might be tempted to do what I call ‘another interview by email’ — sending an elaborate marketing pitch of all the points you neglected to cover adequately in the first round. You might be tempted to just start reaching out to HR, to the hiring exec, to whoever you can.

My advice is hang tight. Likely, the team is under a deadline and hiring, though important, just isn’t the most important thing that week. Or perhaps they are interviewing a slate of candidates and waiting to see everyone before deciding on next steps. Or, maybe checking your credentials on line or with some common connections.

Just like dating, being pursued is attractive; but if you are the candidate, turning into the pursuer can be a fatal blow.


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