2015 is proving to be one of the most competitive, tightest technology job markets in history. Being at the very top of your game in recruiting is the only way to win.
1. Work incredibly hard, dig deep: companies have to find talent, it’s not coming to you, so forget about posting, Ziprecruiter and other gimmicks based on yesterday’s recruiting model. Eveyone is identifiable today–find who you want and go after them. Be prepared to spend an enormous amount of highly focused time on this.
2. Create a compelling experience: ensure the front desk is warm and welcoming, the interview team is prepped and trained, provide a small give away like a t-shirt, follow up after the interviews and get the offer out within 48 hours. Sounds easy but requires a plan and commitment to seeing it through.
3. Make your very best offer out the shoot. Enough said.
4. Sell. Everyone on the interview team should be upbeat and offer up ‘why you should join’. Grilling candidates is fine but the ship sailed long ago on that being the only mode in today’s interview. Get your best and most senior people involved, you know, like the CEO. Seriously.
5. Engage. Keep candidates warm and close during the transition period between accepting an offer and joining. Everything can go wrong in that phase, from counter offers to the next shiny role cropping up and stealing your candidate away. A group lunch, an invite to after hour beers, including them in a game of pick up basketball at lunch.
There’s a war out there and the only way to win is to play your very best game.