The newspaper business has been dying a slow death for some time. I get it, some socially savvy marketer launched ‘social reading’ to help stimulate readership, at least online. I’m sure it sounded great in the executive suite but I think there should be a Federal Law that requires a big, huge pop up warning if you’ve agreed to the service that says something like, Hey! You are about to tell all of your Facebook friends that you are reading an article about Snookie, her baby bump and her bikini. REALLY? You want to do that?
I’ll be the first to admit, one of the perks of being a slave to the salon is getting to read all those fun, trashy magazines, getting caught up on the latest in pop culture. I prefer to dowel out that education selectively.
But when I saw recently, several of my high-ranking friends reading about lipo, models without makeup and, my personal favorite, whether drinking causes you to be less smart, well, I’m thinking less of them despite my own little habit. Sorry, can’t be helped. There’s something so impactful as seeing Lipo next to a CTO’s name, it’s hard to erase the image.
Like all things in and around your personal brand, what you read is pretty important stuff. Just ask Sarah Palin.