Sep 10, 2020 | Post by: Vikki Pachera Comments Off on Are You Looking for a New Job?

Are You Looking for a New Job?

Entire industries have been impacted by the pandemic, you are not alone if you suddenly found yourself in the job market. The bar on recruiting rises when there’s a lot of talent in the market, you need present yourself in the best possible light to meet the competition.

What’s different now is that you may be helping your children with distance learning, you may be sharing space, your home, that was never designed to be a multi-person office, there’s a lot of distractions for many people right now.

To conduct an effective job search, we coach people to become more organized than ever, create and use tools to help you navigate between the ‘full time job looking for a job’, and your personal demands.

Become a master project manager in managing your career.
-A simple spreadsheet that tracks the company, when you applied or spoke to a recruiter, who contacted you, when, and what follow up and next steps are coming could be really helpful. Nothing is a greater turn off to hiring managers and recruiters than talking to a candidate who a) doesn’t know what company is we are calling about and b) can’t recall if they applied or spoke to someone at the company.

-Calendar management is critical and when you have lost your daily rhythm of work, it’s more important than ever to focus on what meetings you have, set reminders and never miss a call. We give people exactly two shots at taking our call then we move on. If you can’t manage your calendar, it certainly reflects poorly on your work ethic and discipline.

-If you have marginal cell phone coverage at your home/office, get a booster, find a place to take the call even if that means getting in the car and taking it from the parking lot.

-Researching and spending time getting to know the company leaders, the mission, the P&L is expected, so invest that time before your first call.

-Every correspondence, text, email, calls, video has to be flawless. From the way you express yourself to the details of punctuation, to the look of your home office on Zoom.

-Hire a coach if you are not getting traction in the job market–it’s hard for many people to package and present yourself without some help.

Finally, hang in there, try to be positive and remember, it’s a full time job looking for a job.

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