Why should HR and marketing collaborate?
With employer ‘super brands’ like Facebook–their campus complete with a hair salon and Twitter trending wildlife–and an employee base who increasingly no longer values tenure, HR execs are learning, sometimes the hard way, that Marketing skills and collaboration are increasingly important.
For employers to compete effectively, they need to retain the best talent they can. Employment brand, PR, Social Media presence and overall messaging are increasingly important in luring and keeping top talent.
How can collaboration with HR and Marketing happen?
Millenniums eyes glaze over when they are forced to spend their first day filling out benefits forms. HR can change the game with an overhauled onboarding process.
The ‘80’s are calling and want the corporate ‘Mission Statement’ returned. In its place create a compelling vision of what the company aspires to be in real language that people can get excited about, something that speaks to the new casualness and passion that’s this century.
Reinvent the job description with appealing, compelling positioning and messaging—most descriptions sound like they were lifted from advertising a role tolling away in the salt mines.
And get your execs, get your HR community on Facebook, on Twitter and prepare for that to redefine your messaging and branding in ways you couldn’t conceive yourself.
HR, get your Marketing ‘game on’ and play to win with your company’s talent pool!